பதிவுகள் உருவாகாத விதத்தில் வாழ்வது எப்படி?
_*Today's Question and Answer:*_ _*Q :* "How to avoid samskaras?"_ _*A :* "Samskaras are the spiritual equivalent of the genetic qualities we bring into life._ _".. How not to make samskaras depends on how you live. You must live in such a way that you don't form impressions._ _"Samskaras are formed by thought and by action. Action is unavoidable._ _"Lord Krishna says in the Gita, 'Even I cannot be idle for a moment, because if I am idle or stop actions, the Universe will collapse.'_ _"So action is unavoidable. Once we are born on this world, we have to act -- even breathing is an activity._ _"Now, how to avoid samskaras when the action is inevitable, unavoidable?_ _"By acting in such a way that what I do, what I think, don't make impressions upon me._ _"You know like, when you stand on the sand, your footprint is there._ _"Some of you who are studying geology may know that the footprint can become ...