
பதிவுகள் உருவாகாத விதத்தில் வாழ்வது எப்படி?

_*Today's Question and Answer:*_ _*Q :* "How to avoid samskaras?"_ _*A :*  "Samskaras are the spiritual equivalent of the genetic qualities we bring into life._ _".. How not to make samskaras depends on how you live. You must live in such a way that you don't form impressions._ _"Samskaras are formed by thought and by action. Action is unavoidable._ _"Lord Krishna says in the Gita, 'Even I cannot be idle for a moment, because if I am idle or stop actions, the Universe will collapse.'_ _"So action is unavoidable. Once we are born on this world, we have to act -- even breathing is an activity._ _"Now, how to avoid samskaras when the action is inevitable, unavoidable?_ _"By acting in such a way that what I do, what I think, don't make impressions upon me._ _"You know like, when you stand on the sand, your footprint is there._ _"Some of you who are studying geology may know that the footprint can become ...

🌹🌹 blessed with the daughters 🌹🌹

A Pregnant Woman to her husband:  What you are expecting -  will it be a boy or girl?  Husband- "If we have a boy, I'll teach him maths, we will go for sports, I will teach him fishing and so on."  Wife - "Ha.. Ha.. And what if its a girl?"  Husband - If we have a girl.. I'll not have to teach her anything.  Because she will be the one who will teach me all the things,  how to dress, how to eat, what to say, what not to say..  In short, she will be my second mom and She will consider me as her hero even if I do not do anything special, she'll always understand when I'll refuse her for something.  She'll always compare her husband to be me.. No matter how old she will be, she'll always want that I should treat her like my baby doll.. She'll fight with the world for me and if someone will hurt me, she will never forgive that person.  Wife - "So you mean to say that your daughter will do all those things but your son will no...

blessed with daughters

A Pregnant Woman to her husband:  What you are expecting -  will it be a boy or girl?  Husband- "If we have a boy, I'll teach him maths, we will go for sports, I will teach him fishing and so on."  Wife - "Ha.. Ha.. And what if its a girl?"  Husband - If we have a girl.. I'll not have to teach her anything.  Because she will be the one who will teach me all the things,  how to dress, how to eat, what to say, what not to say..  In short, she will be my second mom and She will consider me as her hero even if I do not do anything special, she'll always understand when I'll refuse her for something.  She'll always compare her husband to be me.. No matter how old she will be, she'll always want that I should treat her like my baby doll.. She'll fight with the world for me and if someone will hurt me, she will never forgive that person.  Wife - "So you mean to say that your daughter will do all those things but your...

🌹🌹Eagles live 70 years 🌹🌹

"Eagles live 70 years, but at 40 they have to make a difficult decision, their talons become so long and flexible that they cannot hold the prey they feed on. The long and sharp beak curves too far on the chest and no longer it is useful Their wings are old and heavy, according to the large size of their feathers, and then flight becomes very difficult for them.  It has two alternatives: abandon itself and die, or face a painful process of renewal, which consists of flying to a nest in the mountains near a wall, because it is safe. The eagle starts hitting the wall with its beak with great force until it is pulled. Then it will wait for a new beak to grow, with which it will detach its old nails one by one. When the new claws begin to hatch, it will begin to pull out its worn feathers.  And after all those long and painful five months of wounds, scars and growth, he manages to make his famous flight of renewal, rebirth and celebration to live another thirty years ... ...

👌👌👌From a stone 👌👌👌

From a stone, I learned the art of remaining still. From a river, I learned the art of remaining in flow. From a falling leaf, I learned the art of remaining detached. From a breeze, I learned the art of remaining gentle. From a mountain, I learned the art of remaining strong. From a gentle raindrop, I learned the art of remaining calm. From a seed, I learned the art of remaining patient. From a caterpillar, I learned the art of remaining persistent. From a seashell, I learned the art of remaining open. From a tree, I learned the art of remaining grounded. From a drifting cloud, I learned the art of remaining free. From a modest flower, I learned the art of remaining humble. From a forest, I learned the art of remaining regenerative. From a butterfly, I learned the art of remaining graceful. From a snowflake, I learned the art of remaining unique. And from a flame, I learned the art of remaining passionate.

🌹🌹அன்பின் கணம் 🌹🌹

ஒரு சாமியார் சிலப் பொருட்களை பையில் வைத்துக் கொண்டு மலை ஏறினார். உச்சிக்குச் செல்ல வேண்டும். சற்று தூரமே. மூச்சு வாங்குது. நடப்பதில் சிரமம். அப்போது ஒரு சிறுமி தன் தம்பியை சுமந்துக் கொண்டு பாட்டுப் பாடிக் கொண்டே சாமியாரை கடந்து செல்கிறாள். சாமிக்கு ஆச்சரியம். சிறுமியிடம் கேட்டார், " எப்படிம்மா தம்பியை சுமந்துக் கொண்டு, பாட்டும் பாடிக் கொண்டே எளிதாக மலை ஏறமுடிகிறது?", என்று கேட்டார். "சுவாமி, நீங்கள் சுமப்பது பொருள். அது கணத்தை உணர்த்தும். என் தம்பி அன்பு. அன்பில் கனம் இருக்காது", என்றாள்.

@@@ Eagle and snake @@@

The Eagle does not fight the snake on the ground. It picks it up into the sky and changes the battle ground, and then it releases the snake into the sky. The snake has no stamina, no power and no balance in the air. It is useless, weak and vulnerable unlike on the ground where it is powerful wise and deadly. Take your fight into the spiritual realm by praying and when you are in the spiritual realm God takes over your battles. Don’t fight the enemy in his comfort zone, change the battle grounds like the Eagle and let God take charge through your earnest prayer. You’ll be assured of a clean victory !!